April 24, 2009

  • Dear Snippie ( My boyfriend can't orgasm )

    My boyfriend and I have been dating for a long time and we decided to finally have sex. We have always been incredibly sexual with one another, he never fails to get me off and vice versa...but when we have had actual intercourse, he can't orgasm. Do you have any advice for me that may help him? anything special I can do to make it easier?

    I wish I knew how long you two have been having sex or how many times because to me it sounds like you just started. Which makes me feel that he was probably just nervous. Sometimes when men have other things on their mind, are just nervous or stressed they have trouble finishing. Try helping him relax and show him there's no pressure. I don't feel as though it's anything wrong with him physically.

    Send your SEX questions to:


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    The more recs I get, the more questions I get to answer.
    Thanks , Snippie

April 23, 2009

  • Dear Snippie (I'm attracted to my co-worker)

    I am attracted to one of my coworkers. This guy likes to tease me and make fun of me all the time, so I've
    been enjoying the attention. We talk quite often outside of work and have hung out several times too. Totally innocent though. I have a boyfriend who I've dated for over 2 years now, who I really care about.. but I can't help but have these thoughts about flirting with and dating my coworker, even though I've never actually dated him. What should i do? Is attraction normal in every relationship? My relationship with my boyfriend is everything I could ask for. He treats me so good, so this is really making me feel guilty but these feelings have not gone away for a whole year now. What should i do?

    Being attracted to someone is normal. It's when you act on those feelings that you have crossed the line. So just know that you are allowed to feel what you feel but if you are going to act on those feelings then you shouldnt be with your boyfriend. Everyone has self control. It whether or not you choose to use your self control or not. It's not difficult. So are you willing to throw away your relationship with your boyfriend for a feeling you have? Think about what's more important to you. One more thing. Just because you are attracted to someone doesn't mean that when you are actually with that person it will be a good thing. So now you tell me, what should you do?

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    The more recs I get, the more questions I get to answer.
    Thanks , Snippie

  • Response from "My sexual urges are gone"

    Original post here

    Wow. Heh, reading up on the advice given from you and others and quite shocked. I can see how the depression thing plays into it, but however.. getting to a therapist as some recommended is a bit hard due to financial problems in my town at the moment. I will definitely get on that if the mood does not get better. Family doctor, I could but the one I go to is one of those.. how would you put it.. Bible-thumper, no sex before marriage kind of guy. No offense to anyone at all. Each to their own.
    beezu283 kind of took the words out of my mouth with the doctor part, especially with having been on anti-depressants/anti-

    psychotic meds most of my life to keep my moods balanced. Never know though, just might find a doctor who tells me something different. As for talking to a girl about it, good luck on that one for me. Most of them I shy around or make it complicated, but I will definitely take that into consideration.
    As far as drugs and alcohol, I haven't touched any type of drugs in 6 years. Not coming off as a jerk about it because nobody would've had guessed it off hand. Alcohol, I drink every once in a while. Legal to drink, but I don't abuse it. More of the every once in a while social drinker.
    In response to Xerogriffin, I could write probably one of the longest blog or even a response as to why I love her and oddly, it wouldn't even be anything of sex. Yeah, sex was amazing with her but we didn't have it all that often, just wasn't what we really cared for but I understand where you're coming from. As I said though, I could name a million, ok maybe not literally, but plenty of reasons why I love her, but I try not to think about it due to everything still feeling fresh to the mind and heart.
    As Snippie said, I will keep you posted down the road if she still wishes, on the other hand.. Guess it's better to live life than to never live at all right?
    Thanks again Snippie, always with the best advice.

April 22, 2009

  • Something to think about

    > (1) Zero Gravity
    > When NASA started sending up astronauts, they quickly discovered that
    > ball-point pens would not work in zero gravity. To combat this 
    > problem,
    > NASA scientists spent a decade and $12 billion developing a pen 
    > that writes
    > in zero gravity, upside-down, on almost any surface including glass 
    > and at
    > temperatures ranging from below freezing to over 300 C. The 
    > Russians used a
    > pencil. Your taxes are due again--enjoy paying them.
    > (2) Our Constitution
    > 'They keep talking about drafting a Constitution for Iraq. Why 
    > don't we
    > just give them ours? It was written by a lot of really smart guys, 
    > it's
    > worked for over 200 years and hell, we're not using it anymore.'
    > (3) Ten Commandments
    > The real reason that we can't have the Ten Commandments in a 
    > Courthouse is
    > that you cannot post 'Thou Shalt Not Steal,' 'Thou Shalt Not Commit 
    > Adultery
    > and 'Thou Shall Not Lie' in a building full of lawyers, judges and
    > politicians! It creates a hostile work environment.

  • Dear Snippie ( My sexual urges are gone )

    Male: 21 yrs old.
    So this is a bit of a more.. embarrassing thing for me to talk about seeing as when it comes to really ANYTHING sexual or involving sex period, I get a bit.. odd if it makes any sense. Anyways, to the point of this. Normally I tend to have raging hormones and I get horny quite often, but lately, I haven't felt the least bit of a small urge to masturbate or anything. It's something not quite common for me and I never once had a problem with anything involving any type of sexual actions, but lately.. it just hasn't really been seemingly to interest me. Ever since I was broken up with by someone I cared for deeply and thought cared for me just as deeply, I haven't had any type of urge to do anything. I have had females make advances on me, such as teasing me and dropping hints at me as if they wanted to get into my pants, but I shrugged it off. Heh. I'm not even sure if this is making the least bit sense at all to you. It is in my head anyways.
    I guess my question is: Could it be something in relations to my ex or is it just something that is completely unrelated?

    You could be really depressed and not realize it. Most people that are depressed have no clue they are. Your girlfriend breaking up with you could possibly be the reason. Depression can definitely cause someone to not be interested in any sexual acts. You should probably go see your doctor and ask him what he thinks because if you don't take care of this and ignore it things could get worse. Please keep us posted and let us know how you are doing.

    Send your SEX questions to:

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    Please rec  this post.
    The more recs I get, the more questions I get to answer.
    Thanks , Snippie

April 21, 2009

April 20, 2009

  • Dear Snippie ( I want a fuck buddy )

    I'm just out of a serious relationship and got badly hurt. I now want a long break from men, but don't want to give up sex. Are fuck buddies any good? I know i'd get a few offers if i asked people, so is there any harm in having occasional no-strings sex with a friend? What would i do if they developed feelings? It seems like fun, should i just go for it?

    This is something you have to decide for yourself. But I can tell you that in my experience, I was able to do this with no feelings involved and it was great. You just have to know whether or not you are strong enough to not get hurt if he doesn't call, stay the night or just basically treat you like you are not his girlfriend. Do not treat him like he's your boyfriend. Do not call him all the time. Only call him when you want sex. Just remember, be safe. Since you are not in a monogamous you are more likely to get an STD. Get tested regularly and make sure to talk to your doctor about ways to protect yourself.

    Send your SEX questions to:

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    Please rec  this post.
    The more recs I get, the more questions I get to answer.
    Thanks , Snippie


April 17, 2009

  • Do you think the Universal inbox should be changed?

    More like your email works? Archiving the posts you've read or commented on. Then time stamping won't be an issue anymore. If you hide comments you've already read you make more room. Just have it like the messages area on xanga, instead with boxes next to the messages so we can check them off as we read them and move them into our archive folder. Just in case we need to go back and view them again. I think clearing out our inbox will help organize us. Making room for more people to sub to.


    please rec!

April 16, 2009

  • Dear Snippie ( Having Sex Is painful )

    25, Female
    So I have a rather personal question. In hindsight I guess all these questions are rather personal. But anyways. My question. I've never been aroused by toys before, and its been rather difficult to have sex in the past. More specifically its rather painful to the point that I'm in tears. So I guess my question is what is wrong with me? I've gone to the doc, and there is nothing wrong, at least not physically. I've read some research that says it could be a mental thing, but that is just in regards to sex. The research didn't include vibrators or anything of that nature.

    My guess is you're not using enough lube. You must be very dry.You are probably just not getting wet enough while having sex which usually can cause friction and hurt really bad. There are special creams that women can get for this. Some over the counter and some are prescription. This will prevent rubbing and friction. This is a normal thing for some women. Next time you go to your doctor. Mention dryness during sex, get a prescription for a cream or get some lube and see if that works. If you are still having issues let me know.

    Send your SEX questions to: dearsnippie@gmail.com

    Include Ages, M/F, and details for all people involved.

    Please rec  this post.
    The more recs I get, the more questions I get to answer.
    Thanks , Snippie

    Click Here to see past Dear Snippie entries

April 15, 2009