
  • Wrong Hole Song


  • Dear Snippie (What kind of lube should I be using? )

    I have a question about lube. I am usually very dry, so my boyfriend and I always have to use lube. We have been using the regular KY stuff for a while now, and we hate it. It always makes your hands feel and smell gross afterward. So, we decided to try some different kinds. We bought a variety pack of lubes made by Durex called “Play Assorted Temptations”. One of the lubricants in that pack was called “Play Soothing”. It was really smooth, and contained aloe vera which is always good for your skin and doesn’t leave it feeling gross afterward. We really loved this one, but after doing some research found out that it only existed in that variety pack. My question is, can you recommend something similar?

    The only kind of lube I use is organic. I try not to use any chemicals “down there”.They always left me feeling really gross. Sometimes I would even get infections. So I looked for something organic. Its called Good Clean Love. They have lots of different products.

    My favorite is the Lavendar Rose. You can get a 4oz tube for $13. Hope this helps.

    XOXO, Snippie

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    Thanks , Snippie

  • Chatting it up w/ Kirstie Alley and Melissa Gilbert

    So I’ve been on twitter a lot lately. I started following Kirstie Alley and Melissa Gilbert. They were talking about TMZ and Harvey Levin. The started talking a lot of shit about him. Kirstie asked everyone to finish this sentence. Harvey you’re not a lawyer… You’re a ______. Whoever Kirstie chose would get $500. So everyone started joining in on this. The winner was the word Cunt.
    This is where I come in. I have my online store that I make graphics for. www.cafepress.com/snippies. So i sent Kirstie a message asking if she wanted that on a shirt. This is how the conversation went.

    @dearsnippie@kirstiealley i can actually make the shirt for you if you want me to
    kirstiealley@dearsnippie Oh HELL yes!! I want u to make the SHIRT FOR ME!! thank u thank u Ill write ur name down..
    kirstiealley@dearsnippie I will contact you after my meeting.

    So I made the shirt for her and this is what is looks like.

    and this was their responses

    kirstiealley@dearsnippie RU kidding? I love the Harvey shirt..Im in how much are they? Ill buy em!!
    MelissaEGilbert@dearsnippie -Fantastic!
    kirstiealley@dearsnippie I jusy saw your HARVEY products..they R sick!! how do I order?
    MelissaEGilbert@dearsnippie – NO WAY!! How’d you do that!?
    kirstiealley@dearsnippie you gotta put your sight up so other people can get yur HARVEY IS A C— LINE do some in black for me….

    Here’s the link to the line I made

    I guess when I see an opportunity I go for it. LOL

  • We Didnt Start the Flame War

    Krissy and I thought this was appropriate for what’s going on at this time lol

  • Why does sex hurt?

    My boyfriend and I have been having sex for over eight months now and we’ve never had problems up until a month or so ago. When we do it, he can’t get it in at first – like I’m not lubricated enough – but I definitely am. And then when he finally gets it in, it hurts like hell. The pain makes me want to vomit, and it’s so uncomfortable. Or, if it does work, he always cums before I can orgasm. I’m starting to become dissatisfied with our sex life and I can’t do anything about it.

    What do think?

    Send your SEX questions to:

    Include Ages & M/F

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    The more recs I get, the more questions we get.
    Thanks , Snippie

  • Dear Snippie ( Why do my legs shake? )

    When my man stimulates my clitoris, my legs do this weird jerking thing that I really can’t control. It’s not only during orgasm – it’s constant every time he flicks it a certain way. It’s honestly pretty annoying because there’s no way to stabilize my legs. Is this normal?

    Yes this is very normal. In fact mine do the same thing. Try not to be worried about what your body does when you are masturbating or having sex. It will do some strange things. You can always try holding your legs but then you’ll just be worried about keeping your legs still the whole time. This will distract you from what should be happening. Which is your orgasm. So try not to be insecure about any of it. Just go with the flow and enjoy it.

    After thinking about this some more. The guy should not be “flicking” anything. Maybe he need to be more gentle and caressing. Shaking is normal but jerking might mean he’s overstimulating or making you uncomfortable.

    Send your SEX questions to:

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    Please rec  this post.
    The more recs I get, the more questions I get to answer.
    Thanks , Snippie