Month: March 2009

  • My Family Drives Me Crazy

    I’m having a hard time with my family lately. Ok not lately but my whole life. They make it so hard for me to like them. I always feel as though they don’t truly know who I am. Or, that they have this sort of preconceived notion of who I am. It’s almost like they are stuck viewing me as a 15 year old.

    They’re so concerned with themselves, how they look, what they’ve said, who they know and how much money they have. Also making others feel bad so they can feel better about themselves. Like schoolyard bullies. Truly, I really don’t like who they are as people and would never choose to befriend them if they were not related to me.

    I wish I could walk away and never look back.

  • What’s the best book….

    you’ve ever read? I’m looking for some new books to read. So name me a few, will ya?

    Thanks everyone!! I’ll be set on books for the next 10 years LMAO!

  • A Thank you and A F*ck You

    Thank you for all the well wishes you guys sent to Jess. She appreciated all of them and sends her love.

    As for one of you, I won’t say who cause I don’t want to give her the pleasure, you are now on my shit list! I don’t have a shit list on Xanga. Even the people who have wrote nasty blogs about me are not on my shit list. I do not take kindly to people kicking those who are down. It’s tacky and fucked up! So a big FUCK YOU to you and know that you better be careful what you say from now on. You might end up having a blog like Jess does now.


  • Let’s send Jess (Jediwa72) some love!

    She thanks you for all your nice messages to her. I think the reason she didnt say goodbye was because it would have been too hard. And she didnt want to change her mind so deleting was the best way for her. She says it wasn’t just one reason. It was a bunch of things together. I know it’s sad because we all loved her. Maybe she’ll come back one day. I’m going to send her this blog so she can read all your messages. I’m sure she’ll apreciate a few kind words right now. She could use them.


  • My Nicky is 13 today!!!


  • Taking a break

    havent been getting any interesting questions lately. atleast nothing I havent touched on before. so i’m gonna just take a break for awhile.
    take care everyone
    <3, Snippie

  • If you could…

    remake a decision you made in your life, would you? what would it be?

  • Dear Snippie (I’m in a love triangle)

    I’m a 17 year old male. This is a really complicated and intertwined story so I’m going to add facts here and there in parentheses.

    Alright. So I met this girl last year, she happened to be in my math class. My first impression was that she was totally bitchy and fake like the rest of the people at my school. (That’s another story) Anyways, a friend of mine knew her and I was introduced to her (Officially) sometime in October(?). It wasn’t until around Christmas time that she approached me and started talking to me. At first I didn’t really take notice, but after awhile I began to become deeply engaged in our conversations. It was never anything specific, but it was time worth spent. She was DEFINITELY not the kind of girl i thought she was; she’s extremely artistic and funny and quite smart too. The conversations would last at least an hour if not more. We even went for ice cream one day. She ended up having to leave early so i walked up to the top of Montgomery Hill (Its a great park where you can watch the sunset.) and she called me telling me how sorry she was for ditching me. She ended up asking me if i could meet her at a nearby elementary school. Of course I met her there and had a brilliant time. (Just talking, again. Nothing else.)

    Then some of my past came back to bite me in the ass; A previous girl (Lets call “girl1″)whom I was also interested before (Things ended well so we were still friends) started asking if I liked this new girl. I denied it because 1) it was really to soon to say anything and i knew girl1 would tell her and 2) I didn’t want any drama.

    Girl1 ended up talking to her anyways, telling her to stay away from me. Naturally, I was pissed and called girl1 to yell at her. The first call I hung up after a few minutes because i knew i would burn a bridge I didn’t want to. So i calmed my self and called her back. Girl1 said that she was trying to look out for me because she believed this new girl was leading me on. Girl1 one said that she asked her and she said she didn’t see me that way.

    I felt devastated. But I still didn’t want to believe it, not from girl1. I thought she was just jealous. So I called the new girl like a dozen times but she didn’t pick up, obviously she knew what was going on.

    So i waited for her outside of her art class like I usually do. She came out and acted surprised to see me there. Then she acted like normal, but I felt like girl1 had ruined it and I didn’t want to let go there. So I pulled her aside and confessed my feelings towards her. She stood there quiet for the most part. I asked her how she felt but she didn’t really give me a straight forward answer. I didn’t want to alienate her so I told her she could think about it and we could talk later.

    That conversation never came.

    She did ask me over AIM if I was mad at her that same day. I told her no and we had one of our usual conversations. It was about a week or so before things weren’t awkward and we started talking again.  It still feel some distance between me and her because she no longer waits for me after my last period and our lack of conversation when we are in big groups, but when we are alone we talk each other’s heads off.

    So I don’t know what happened. Did she mis-interpret my “confession”? Does she not want to go anywhere forward, but still wants to be friends? She let me walk her home a few days ago.
    I’m really lost.

    Honestly, the only person who can answer that question is Girl 2. But I’ll try and help. Just talk with her. Tell her how you feel. Maybe write her a note. Obviously she has now gotten over what girl 1 has said. Maybe when you talked to her in school it was just too soon, after what girl 1 had said to her. I think you might have a chance but you’ll never know unless you pursue it. Stay away from Girl 1. She sounds like trouble. Good luck and let us know how it goes.


    Send your relationship and sex questions to:

    Find out what everyone thinks without them knowing its you! Please DO NOT send me questions that you have blogged about or have posted on an ISH site!

    Include Ages, M/F, with as many details as you can for all people involved.

    What do you think?